

Could be all the Past of everything that wasn't me and also my genetic predisposition acting in my personal material and spiritual life (all the books, art, movies, places, people I know).

Between is like this:

I'm seeing myself in the Line of the Horizon, as himself.
I'm between the process of creation and achieving the final work.
I'm not in the Past and neither in the Future,
I'm between myself There and myself Here,
I'm not completely awaken, but not sleeping neither.

Since February 2012, I started a series of paintings and drawings, inspired of Ambiguity, Multiple meanings, Juxtaposition of contrary subjects and Coincidences. I'm exploring my thinking for "interesting" images, which can express such phenomenon. In many of my works, I'm reflecting my personal live experience, my doubts and my confusions in my relations with the others. I believe that Behind and Between are antagonists concepts same as Man/Woman, Father/Son, Fears/Dreams, Emotion/Indifference, Faith/Atheism, Beauty/Ugliness, Right/Wrong, Good/Bad, Truth/Lies, Love/Hate, Life/Death and finally Light/Darkness...  hopefully there was/is an After, which are diluting them inside the water of the Great River of Life and then is coming to Harmony. 

The Mystery of my name transformations

Every human being has one name. Its part of his personality, social identification, personal history line and his recognition for his children in the crowd.
Years ago... I was born аs Недко Христов Буцев (which is the something like: *>/)Ъ:+<  for most parts of the world).

Недко/Nedko means, I've had been given the name of my grandfather.
Христов/Hristov means, I'm the son of Христо/Hristo, my father;
Буцев/Butzev- latin transctiption was my family name for 6 years, until I studied in Havana/ Cuba.
Bucev is a latin transformation from Butzev, when after 2006 transcription's regulations came from EC about Cyrillic names to be written in Latin alphabet. (I never asked for this).
And then people in Florida started calling me Neri (I suppose for an easy way to call me, because Anglo-saxons can't pronounce my two consonants consecutive in Nedko,

So ...
In Bulgaria I was Недко Буцев,
in Europe and Latin America I become Nedko Butzev, Nedko Bucev (two names used in Internet also)
and lately Nedko Butzev become Nedko Butsev, and then In US changed  to Neri Bucev.

In the 70s in my country, changing names of a minority almost started a civil war.
I rely don't care, I'm looking the mirror every morning and I'm still recognizing my only one face. Hopefully is the same.